Everyday Life

Spring time

The fog are rolling in over the newly sprayed fields. The smell in unmistakably, well just Spring, I guess

. .And you know what? I absolutely love it. Even if it stinks like s***. It is the smell of spring and I like everything about it. The most wonderful season of all is back again. Bringing us unbelievable breathtaking sunrises (if you only get up in time), the days are yet again longer and the temperature sets back to normal.

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This is my favorite time of the year. Spring coming into summer…. I start to feel alive again. The mild winter depression is heading out the door, replaced by good mood and smiles.

I can´t wait to take my book and coffee outside to sit and soak up the warming sun and to listen to the returning birds. Aaah…. The smell, sound and colors of Spring – I LOVE YOU ♥♥♥

Spring at Rogaland

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